
Information for all Visiting Pilots

  • Landing fees are payable to the South Grafton Aerodrome Aircraft Hangar Owners Inc, the administrators of this facility. All fees collected are used to maintain this aerodrome for the benefit of all aviators. Please place the appropriate amount in a supplied envelope and insert into the slot in the honesty box at the front entrance of the clubhouse.
  • Grafton Radio Taxis Co-op Ph 13 1008 or 6642 3622
  • Free pickup and return is provided by the Jacaranda Motor Lodge should you require accommodation. Phone Tony or Angie Stackhouse on 6642 2833 or mobile 0412 962 6351.
  • Bunkhouse accommodation is available at the clubhouse. Cost is $25.00 per person per night. If unattended please phone one of the contacts listed in the club contacts page. A key to the bunkhouse will then be made available.
  • The nearest pub which also has food and accommodation is the Royal approximately 3 minutes walk. Turn left at the entry gate to the aerodrome and walk past the BMX track, around the corner and you will see the pub on your right on the corner of Abbot and Ryan Streets.
  •  Mogas is available at Cookes Service Station in Ryan Street. Turn left when you get to the Royal Pub. It is approximately 25 metres from the corner. If club members are in attendance, loan jerry cans are usually available. Avgas is not available. Nearest Avgas is Lismore or Coffs Harbour.
  • The South Grafton Shopping Centre is in Skinner Street, approximately 6 minutes (650 metres) walk. Go straight up Cowan Street from the aerodrome entry gate, turn right at the next corner (Ryan Street) and turn left at the roundabout into Skinner Street.
  • There is a Coles Supermarket approximately 10-15 minutes walk (1100 metres) from the clubhouse. Turn right at the aerodrome entry gate and walk past the sports grounds and turn left into Bligh Street, cross Ryan Street and you will find the rear access to the supermarket and other shops on the right about 190 metres from the intersection of Ryan and Bligh streets.