Wings and Wheels Open Day
Sunday 16 June 2024
The 2024 Wings and Wheels Open Day will be held on Sunday 16th of June 2024. Details will be published here as they come to hand. Should you require any additional information please call 0429 344 158.

Loving Life FM 103.1 will be broadcasting live from the event starting around 09:00am so tune your radios in for some great commentary and music.

Click on image to expand.

Grafton Aero Club – Risk Management Plan
Title: Wings and Wheels Open Day
Date: Sunday 16 June 2024
Time: 10:00am to 2:00pm
Participants: Grafton Aero Club
Coffs C/ex Classic and Touring Car Club
Coffs Harbour Veteran and Vintage Car Club
Grafton Vintage Motor Vehicle Club
Grafton Historical Motorcycle Club
Grafton Stationary Engines Club
Grafton Go-Kart Club
Grafton Model Aircraft Club
Phil Munro with CT4 & YAK Warbirds
Precision Helicopters
Hot Rod Club
Pilots of Visiting Aircraft
Loving life FM 103.1 Community Radio
General Public
Cost: There is no charge for those attending. A gold coin donation collection to benefit the Oncology Ward, Grafton Base Hospital to be made.
Sponsor: Clarence Valley Council
Insurance: All clubs have their own current Public Liability Insurance of minimum $10,000,000.00 each. SGAAHO has $20,000,000.00 Public Liability cover over the total Aerodrome. Current Insurance Certificate attached.
Format: The car clubs and Aero Club will have static displays of aircraft and motor vehicles in a cordoned off area where vehicle and aircraft operation and movements are prohibited for the duration of the open day. These areas are detailed on the attached plan. The General Public will be confined to the static display areas with only those taking Warbird adventure flights or Joy Flights allowed into the aircraft pickup/drop off area for the duration of the open day. Helicopter Joyflight participants will be escorted to and from the helipad.
Aircraft Movements, parking and tie down are limited to the right hand side of the taxiway as seen from Vere Street as shown on the attached plan.
Appointed Parking Marshals will wear fluorescent vests to manage the set up and dispersal of the static aircraft and motor vehicle displays. Exhibitors are requested to be on site by 9:00am and from this time car parking marshals will direct the public to angle park on the southern side of Vere Street ensuring that entrances and the emergency access are kept clear.
Parallel parking is available on the north side of Vere Street as well. Parking signs will be erected and bollards placed at the 3 access ways to ensure these are kept clear.
Appointed Aircraft Movement Marshals will wear fluorescent vests and will direct visiting aircraft from the taxiway to the parking and tie down areas to the left hand side of the taxiway as seen from arriving aircraft, via the first exit to the south of Hangar V. Aircraft Movement Marshals will manage engine startup and taxiing through the parking and tie down area on to the taxiway.
The Warbirds and Joy Flight aircraft will have a pickup/drop off location immediately to the south of Hangar V
Aircraft pilots will comply with all directives provided by Aircraft Movement Marshals while in the confines of the parking and tie down areas. Once cleared onto the taxiway aircraft pilots will comply with all CASA regulations for uncontrolled aerodromes and standard VFR procedures.
Participating Pilots and the General Public who are taking Trial introductory Flights, Helicopter or aircraft Joy Flights will be permitted to cross into the designated area for the purpose of accessing the aircraft as directed by Aircraft Movement Marshals. The General Public will be allowed into the Aircraft Parking and Tie Down areas only under the direct supervision of Aircraft Movement Marshals.
Safety Management Sheet: The attached SMS identifies the major hazards that exist, the risk to participants and the control measures to mitigate those risks.
Grafton Aero Club
May 2024
Wings and Wheels Open Day
Sunday 18 June 2023
The day was a perfect mid Winters day, fine and sunny with little wind. A large contingent of Vintage, Classic, Touring, Race and other cars were on show along with Stationary Engines, Tractors, Model Aircraft and even a vintage caravan. Club members displayed their aircraft and others flew in from North and South.
SES also had a display including a new High Clearance vehicle used during floods.
Precision Helicopters were busy providing Joy flights and Classic Aero provided Warbird Adventure flights in a CT4 and a Yak 52.
The BBQs were flat out all day and morning tea was provided inside the clubhouse, the coffee machine was busy the whole time and icecreams were so popular all of the stock was sold.
Recreational Aviation Australia provided showbags for the kids and Mike was busy providing a running commentary over the PA system.
Around $1,800.00 was collected at the gate from donations which will be given to the Oncology Dept and Grafton Hospital later in the year
Scroll down for photos and also for previous years events. Click on any image to enlarge to full page size.
Wings and Wheels Open Day
Sunday 19 June 2022
It is with deep regret that Grafton Aero Club has to announce the cancellation of the 2022 Wings and Wheels Open Day originally planned to be held on Sunday 19th of June 2022.
The Aerodrome was completely flooded with about 1 metre of water in early March and a second flood a month later with continuous rain showers since that time have left the entire area completely saturated and muddy with no possibility of drying in time for the event and possibly not until at least Spring or Summer.
We do hope that next year will bring better weather and we look forward to hosting the event in June 2023.
Wings and Wheels Open Day
Sunday 20 June 2021
With wild weather to the South and along the coast on Saturday and throughout Sunday we were lucky it was fine even though a bit windy with sunshine from just before lunch. There was a large crowd, showbags for the kids from Recreational Aviation Australia as well as some give-aways. A dozen or so aircraft braved the conditions and flew in. There was a wide variety of all types of cars from classic to vintage, rods to racing, aeroplanes, stationary engines and more. The 8th Wings and Wheels sponsored by Clarence Valley Council was a very successful day with many enjoying a sausage sandwich or bacon & egg roll, cold drink, icecream or coffee with tea and biscuits in the clubhouse..
The event as always was free to participants and visitors with donations going to the Oncology Unit at Grafton Base Hospital. We raised more than $1,300.00 and this will be presented later in the year. Thanks to all who participated and came along and especially for the very positive comments received.
Some photos from the day follow.
Wings and Wheels Open Day
Sunday 23 June 2019
This years Wings and Wheels was a great success with perfect timing given the weather the following day. It was a beautiful warm and sunny Winters day. Thank you to all members who gave their time to make the event the success it was. We raised over $1400.00 for the Oncology Unit at Grafton Base Hospital, all of the food we had was sold and there were many positive comments from participants and the public alike.
There were numerous vintage, sports, classic and touring cars as well as motor cycles, racing cars, stationary engines and model aircraft on display.
Some 22 aircraft flew in to add to the 15 of our own aircraft on display. There were plenty of Jabirus, several Savannahs, a Piper Sport, a Bush cat, a Thorpe, a Foxbat, 2 x Cessna 172s, a FK9, 3 x Mooneys, 2 x Tiger Moths, a Mustang, a Whitman Tailwind, a Typhoon, a Piper 140, a Piper Tomahawk, a Spitfire replica, a Morgan Sierra, a Chipmunk, The Gliding Clubs Glider, a Helicycle, a couple I can’t remember and the Winjeel. A great variety of aircraft to wet the appetite of any budding Aviator.
The SES also had a display and they provided the escort transport for a lady in her late 80s who went up for a flight. The Gliding Club ran a raffle for a glider flight which was won by an 8 year old boy who described his flight as “awesome”.
All in all it was a fantastic day so if you missed it, well there is always next year.
Some photos follow.
Wings and Wheels Open Day
Sunday 12 August 2018
This years event was again very windy and cold. Only a few aircraft flew in including the new Cirrus SR22 Australis. The Winjeel was out of action so did not make it but we had motorcycles and car clubs and an intrepid bunch of vintage tractor enthusiasts who made the trip up from Corindi to take part. Attendance was down and the wind destroyed our large gazebo and made barbecuing extremely difficult. Still we did raise $900.00 for the Oncology Unit at Grafton Base Hospital.
Wings and Wheels Open Day
Sunday 20 August 2017
The week before this years event began by being fine but with strengthening winds. The aerodrome had been slashed and over 200 large round bales of hay were taken off. It was looking a picture. On the setup day on Saturday the wind was howling at 25 to 35 knots so we were unable to put up gazebos etc. On Sunday although the wind had dissipated somewhat it was gale force on the coast. Three gyros came west from Tamworth and only one other aircraft flew in. Paul Jennings arrived in his RV6 much to our amazement. He said it was one of the roughest flights he’d had and got thrown all over the sky.
The conditions though did not bother the car clubs and they arrived en mass so the “Wheels” part of the event was very successful even though it was windy and cool despite being a sunny day. We also managed to raise almost $1,300.00 for the Oncology Ward at Grafton base Hospital from donations received. Some photos follow.
Wings and Wheels Open Day
14 August 2016
The weather was perfect this year much to our relief as it had been overcast with showers in 2015. This year we had a number of vehicles from the Coffs Harbour Veteran and Vintage Car club to add to those from Grafton and the Coffs CEX club. Exhibitors began to arrive shortly after 8:00am and the first aircraft arrived before 9:00am. Pretty soon the whole aerodrome was buzzing with the sounds of aircraft in the circuit, aircraft taxiing in and cars, motor bikes, stationary engines and people everywhere.
The number of exhibitors was similar to 2015 with Vintage, Veteran, Classic, Touring, Sports and Racing Cars, Hot Rods, classic and vintage motorcycles, Stationary Engines General Aviation and Recreational Aviation aircraft plus model aircraft.
Mark Awad arrived in the Winjeel and began providing Warbird Adventure Flights. Coffs Harbour Aero Club Flight Training provided TIF flights as well.
Morning Tea in the clubhouse proved very popular again and the BBQs were going from around 9:00am. This year we provided Hot Ham Rolls and Mann River Burgers which proved very popular along with the standard sausage sandwich.
Over 40 aircraft flew in from around the state and southern Queensland and everyone seemed very happy and enjoyed the casual atmosphere, especially being able view the exhibits and aircraft up close. Club members were run off their feet to ensure the event ran smoothly. Even with a number of members unable to assist due to Winter ills and other commitments, there was not a single issue throughout the day and we managed to raise over $1,200.00 for the Childrens Ward of Grafton Base Hospital, $500.00 more than last year. While visitor numbers are difficult to determine with people coming and going all the time we estimate around 2500 people attended throughout the day, many of these were families with children.
Some photos follow

Wings and Wheels 16 August 2015
Wings and Wheels 2015 was bigger and better than the highly successful 2014 event. As well as Vintage, Classic and Touring Cars, Stationery engines, Model aircraft, Sports and Recreational aircraft there were Classic & Vintage Motorcycles, Vintage Aircraft, Wooden Boats, Go-Karts, Vintage caravans, and a demonstration of their craft from the Artist Blacksmiths.
Troy Smith from Caboolture with his Beech T34 Mentor provided Warbird Adventure rides and Joy rides were provided by Aussie Air from Ballina.
While the weather was threatening leading up to the even and there were showers, this did not damped the enthusiasm of the exhibitors or the large crowd of visitors estimated to be around 2000 who attended. The weather did prevent a number of aircraft attending but more than 20 did make it. The morning tea with cakes and savouries was very popular as were the barbecues providing sausage sandwiches, steaks sandwiches and hot ham rolls. All in all it was a great day with around $700.00 raised for the Childrens Ward at Grafton Base Hospital. The club added additional funding from food sales and a cheque for $1000.00 was presented to the Hospital.
Some photos of the event follow.
Wings and Wheels 31 August 2014
What a day it was. Morning Tea was served to Car Club members & flyers from 10:00 am.
We’d planned to start the barbecues at around 11:00 am but there were hungry people there at 10:00 am. Steak & sausage sandwiches, hot ham rolls and cold drinks were in high demand for the next 3 hours.
Club member Andy Ski put on an aerobatic display in his Skybolt at lunch time and aircraft kept coming and going.
Around 1000 people attended the event and there was something for everyone.
For the record there were 36 Aircraft, 4 Gyrocopters, 24 Vintage Cars, 28 Sports Touring and Classic Cars, 11 Motorcycles, 6 Stationary Engines, 5 Race Cars and one each Vintage boat, caravan and tractor.